“I know we’re supposed to think big and mainstream. On the occasions I’ve tried to do that, I’ve realized I’m just about one-on-one; one person, one life, one relationship at a time to make it a better world.”
— Mollie Lowery
Food Boost
What is Food Boost?
Food Boost is a program designed to support and enhance the food security of our community members by providing supplemental meals and groceries to members at high risk of food insecurity.
We seek to deepen and expand our services related to food as we understand both the role of the healthy food in our holistic approach to supporting people recovering from homelessness and the limitations of our emergency food systems. We seek to advance causes ensuring all people have access to affordable, healthy, and culturally specific foods to enhance the health and well-being of our communities.
As Housing Works community members exit homelessness, they are at high risk for continuing food insecurity. While in shelters or on the streets, reliable access to healthy, affordable food is difficult and the ability to store and prepare food is virtually non-existent.
People who are homeless often become reliant on fast food or packaged foods high in sodium, saturated fats and sugar, contributing to a high incidence of diabetes, heart disease, and renal disease. Once in permanent housing, people gain access to basic items like ovens, stovetops, and refrigerators but can have difficulty stretching a meager budget or changing dietary habits without support.
Our Food Boost program supplements available food through the provision of supplemental meals and supplemental groceries.
We partner with the Hollywood Food Coalition to prepare bags of quality food otherwise destined for the dumpster and deliver this food to the doorsteps of our participants most in need. Case Managers and Peer Specialists work with community members to determine what other resources may be available while ensuring folks have access to good food today.
We also partner with the Sam Simon Foundation to distribute bags of plant-based groceries to our residents at Gramercy Apartments and surrounding community members.
Today, we deliver 160 grocery boxes and 600 meals every month in partnership with Hollywood Food Coalition, as well as 400 grocery bags every month in partnership with the Sam Simon Foundation to help our community overcome poor access to fresh produce and healthy food.
Want to get involved? You can donate or volunteer for Food Boost by clicking on our “Take Action” button! For donations, please note “Food Boost” in the optional note, for volunteer opportunities, please fill out a form. Thank you!